Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Step 15 - The Payoff......

About six months down the road, after little expense but quite a lot of hard work and research, we hit our magical $300 a month mark, from affiliate sales and from AdSense ads on our site.

Depending on the niche we've chosen and the skills we've learned, we might earn considerably more than $300.

Perhaps after 12 months, you'll be earning $500 to $1,000 a month from our site.

The checks keep coming in, month after month, even when we take a little vacation. We start telling friends how easy affiliate marketing is, and are puzzled when they're not convinced.

Of course, it's not really easy. It just seems easy after we've done the hard work.

...or the NON-payoff

If we've merely scanned the instruction manual and jumped right in without doing any research and built a "Make Money on the Internet" site, we'll probably earn very little. A search on Google for "make money" displays more than 4 million pages. If one of those is us, we have a LOT of competition.

If we did this and it isn't working for us, go back to step 1 and start again.


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